Hexagram ¹ 23 - Po. Splitting Apart

Guess again

You have the hexagram ¹ 23

23. Po. Splitting Apart

Beware of deceitful people who undermine organizations, damage character, and spread evil rumors and ill feeling. Be honest and sincere with them but do not use their methods. It may seem that these people succeed and there is no way to stop them. It will take courage, perseverance, and renewed dedication to better principles. You also need all the help you can get from able people you can trust. There is no easy way out of this situation. You will get little support and the situation will seem hopeless. The negative forces will weaken, however, influenced by what is right and good. Know that evil carries within itself the means of its own destruction. Remain on the side of truth and right and you cannot be destroyed.

The current difficulties will end in the natural cycle of regeneration. Be patient, and continue to work hard in preparation for the good times to follow.

Statistics of your divinations
The graph of laid out hexagrams


Points (.) and (I) designate all your spreads:

(.) - the hexagram missed
(I) - the hexagram was laid out

The graph of laid out hexagrams. For example: You laid out 9 spreads. Now you have some hexagram. (..I.....I) kind of the graph means that this hexagram laid out TWO times - now, and 6 spreads ago.

laid out hexagrams
1¹ 23 - Po. Splitting Apart1
none laid out hexagrams
2¹ 1 - Ch'ien. Creative Activity
3¹ 2 - K'un. Receptive Force
4¹ 3 - Chun. Difficulty at the Beginning
5¹ 4 - Meng. Inexperience
6¹ 5 - Hsu. Calculated Waiting
7¹ 6 - Sung. Conflict
8¹ 7 - Shih. Recruiting Allies
9¹ 8 - Pi. Bonding
10¹ 9 - Hsiao Ch'u. Gentle Restraint
11¹ 10 - Lu. Worrying the Tiger
12¹ 11 - T'ai. Peace
13¹ 12 - P'i. Stagnation
14¹ 13 - T'ung Yen. Social Mechanism
15¹ 14 - Ta Yu. Great Treasures
16¹ 15 - Ch'ien. Modesty
17¹ 16 - Yu. Enthusiasm
18¹ 17 - Sui. Following
19¹ 18 - Ku. Repairing the Damage
20¹ 19 - Lin. Noble Calling
21¹ 20 - Kuan. Contemplation
22¹ 21 - Shih Ho. Biting Through
23¹ 22 - Pi. Grace
24¹ 24 - Fu. Return
25¹ 25 - Wu Wang. Remaining Blameless
26¹ 26 - Ta Ch'u. Recharging Power
27¹ 27 - I. Providing Nourishment
28¹ 28 - Ta Kuo. Critical Mass
29¹ 29 - K'an. Dangerously Deep
30¹ 30 - Li. Igniting
31¹ 31 - Hsien. Attraction
32¹ 32 - Heng. Durability
33¹ 33 - Tun. Retreat
34¹ 34 - Ta Chuang. Awesome Power
35¹ 35 - Chin. Aspiration
36¹ 36 - Ming I. Eclipsing the Light
37¹ 37 - Chia Jen. Family Duties
38¹ 38 - K'uei. Estrangement
39¹ 39 - Chien. Obstacle
40¹ 40 - Hsieh. Liberation
41¹ 41 - Sun. Decrease
42¹ 42 - I. Expansion
43¹ 43 - Kuai. Breakthrough
44¹ 44 - Kou. Compulsion
45¹ 45 - Ts'ui. Gathering
46¹ 46 - Sheng. Upward Mobility
47¹ 47 - K'un. Exhaustion
48¹ 48 - Ching. The Well
49¹ 49 - Ko. Revolution
50¹ 50 - Ting. The Caldron
51¹ 51 - Chen. Thunder
52¹ 52 - Ken. The Mountain
53¹ 53 - Chien. Gradual Progress
54¹ 54 - Kuei Mei. A Loveless Marriage
55¹ 55 - Feng. Abundance
56¹ 56 - Lu. The Wanderer
57¹ 57 - Sun. The Penetrating Wind
58¹ 58 - Tui. Empowering
59¹ 59 - Huan. Dissolution
60¹ 60 - Chieh. Limitations
61¹ 61 - Chung Fu. Inner Truth
62¹ 62 - Hsiao Kuo. Lying Low
63¹ 63 - Chi Chi. Aftermath
64¹ 64 - Wei Chi. The End In Sight
You divinate 1 times
last 9 hexagrams

At the left you can see how many times each hexagram was laid out.

Names of the hexagrams are links to their description.

Try this few times, while any hexagram will lay out a few times - And you will understand what we mean.

When you understood as it looks

your experiments not to spoil a real results.

Especially pay attention to those hexagrams which lay out more often, and do not lay out in general, or lay out very seldom.

If you really trust in divination, you should realize, that accidents at a guessing do not happen. And at all has no value hundred times you have reshuffled a pack and have spread out in the artful way or have got from a pack the first hexagram - be assured, in both cases it and will be the most important hexagram for you.

It is not necessary to extend a hexagram more than 2-3 times, it only will confuse you.
Remember the most true - the first!

Guess again
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